SLEDGE HAMMER #1 – Ben’s Horror-Comic-Athon October 2018 #16
In the spirit of Halloween, Ben is reading one horror comic every day. Will they keep him up? Or will they put him to sleep? We’ll find out…
It’s October 16th. My birthday! I thought I’d choose something fun!
SLEDGE HAMMER #1 “Creephouse” or “The Attack of the Famous Monsters of Filmland”: Marvel Comics; Jim Salicrup, offender; Alex Savior and Sam DeLarosa, accomplices; published 1986
This was not fun.
So much dialogue, every line a pun.
It was like the evil twin of Wolff and Byrd, Counselors of the Macabre.
There was absolutely a clever pen behind this, and it was an homage to lots of horror stuff. Lots and lots of horror stuff. So much. It feels like it just never quit. I wanted to like it, and every time I started to, it just got too silly.
Happy birthday to me.
You can read the rest of this series here: Ben’s Horror-Comic-Athon October 2018
While Ben’s not podcasting daily for the entire month, The Comic Book Time Machine will be going daily for a week at the end of October. Don’t miss our WEEK OF WEIRD, as we explore some weird comics from October 25-31!
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