The What If Challenge #2 (Matt) CBTM112
In every episode of The What If Challenge, Matt will review three issues from the “What If…?” series, and then rates and ranks those issues. Which “What If…?” will be the best?!? Find out here! Excelsior!
In every episode of The What If Challenge, Matt will review three issues from the “What If…?” series, and then rates and ranks those issues. Which “What If…?” will be the best?!? Find out here! Excelsior!
In every episode of The What If Challenge, Matt will review three comics from the “What If…?” series, and then rates and ranks those issues. Which “What If…?” will be the best?!? Find out here! Excelsior!
What If? and Elseworlds . . . stunning sagas of alternate realities that can’t, couldn’t, or shouldn’t exist! Ben explores one of those alternate realities by going back in time and opening the pages of What If? #19, which asks two questions (both have the same answer): “What if Spider-Man …
HULK: HEART OF THE ATOM WRITERS: Harlon Ellison, Roy Thomas, Archie Goodwin, Len Wein, Bill Mantlo, Peter Gillis ARTISTS: Herb Trimpe and Sal Buscema (pencils)l; a ton of inkers and letterers and colorists So I took a look at the graphic novels shelves at my local comic shop and found …
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