Top Ten Marvel Comics Characters (Group) – CBTM168
Daniel and Matt list their Top 10 favorite characters from Marvel Comics!
Daniel and Matt list their Top 10 favorite characters from Marvel Comics!
Matt is joined by special guest host, Evan David, to discuss all sorts of comic books in this free-flowing conversation.
In this episode, we present to you an ongoing conversation that Daniel and Matt had during a day of fun they shared together. Listen as they discuss “Secret Wars,” “Star Wars,” and “Vader Down,” as well as open Christmas presents and visit their local comic shop. Plus they give …
On January 20, 2015, Marvel Executive Editor Tom Breevort and Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso made a huge announcement about the future of the Marvel Universe. You may have already heard by now, but (SPOILERS) the entire Marvel Multiverse is about to be drastically changed forever. The Marvel 616 Universe (that …
Both Marvel and DC Comics are planning a multiverse-spanning event in 2015. At Marvel the event is called Secret Wars (starting May 2015) and at DC the event is called Convergence (starting April 2015). In this episode, Daniel and Matt discuss what might happen in each of these events, …
Daniel travels back to September 4, 2014, to look back at The Death of Wolverine #1. Daniel discusses the comic’s price, composition, and plot. Daniel asks the big questions like is Wolverine going to stay dead and should time travelers pick up this story. Daniel’s review of Death of Wolverine on Welcome …
Jump in the Time Machine to cover date September 1977! Here’s what I found: Jack Kirby’s final 2001: A Space Odyssey issue gets released along with a special first issue of a new series! John Carter fights a creature from beyond the farthest star! Luke meets his sister as he, Han, …
What If? and Elseworlds . . . stunning sagas of alternate realities that can’t, couldn’t, or shouldn’t exist! Ben explores one of those alternate realities by going back in time and opening the pages of What If? #19, which asks two questions (both have the same answer): “What if Spider-Man …
HULK: HEART OF THE ATOM WRITERS: Harlon Ellison, Roy Thomas, Archie Goodwin, Len Wein, Bill Mantlo, Peter Gillis ARTISTS: Herb Trimpe and Sal Buscema (pencils)l; a ton of inkers and letterers and colorists So I took a look at the graphic novels shelves at my local comic shop and found …
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