Human Fly #4 (December 1977) – MCC033
Last issue of the adventures of real life stunt man Human Fly in the not so real life Marvel universe had Ben hooked with a cliffhanger…did it deliver?
Last issue of the adventures of real life stunt man Human Fly in the not so real life Marvel universe had Ben hooked with a cliffhanger…did it deliver?
More rompin’, stompin’ monster mayhem in Marvel’s Godzilla!
Daniel finishes Manhunter’s first solo arc in Ostrander and Yale’s Manhunter #4, “Through the Mask.” Dumas and Manhunter battle for what may be the final time and Mark learns a massive secret about Olivia Vancroft. Daniel mulls over his thoughts on this first arc, masks in the Vancroft collection and …
As the movie adaptation ends, the movie PARODY makes its appearance in Crazy Magazine, Marvel’s answer to Mad Magazine.
Cover date December of ’77 begins with the FINAL installment of Marvel’s adaptation of the first movie!
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